Programs and Activities 

We are always looking for volunteers! 

Many of these programs ask for very little time and can be co-chaired between two people. Your kids love to see you helping where you can at school. If you are interested in a committee that has one chair please feel free to let us know. Committees with chairs and co-chairs are always encouraged. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to

*Note chairs and co-chairs must be PTA members 



2023-2024 Executive Board

Co Presidents: Lori Darrin & Heather Danielson

Secretary: Kristina Enache

Treasurer: Kimberly Hipol

Co- Treasurer: Julia Starinskiy

Standing Committees & Chairs

Art Docent: Lori Darrin, Meagan McBride

Fundraising: Kim Hipol

Digital Media: Heather Danielson

Membership: Open

Popcorn: Karen Darrin

Spirit Wear: Teresa St. Arnauld

Staff Appreciation: Kelly Kealoha, Erica Miller

Staff Liaison: Jennifer Hepworth

Volunteer Coordinator:  Open

Yearbook: Becky French 

Event Committee Chair Positions

Art Auction: Lori Darrin, Meagan McBride

Bingo Night: Open

Cocoa w/Santa & Holiday Bazaar: 

Pastries with Your Peeps: Open

School Picture Day: Heather Danielson

Scholastic Book Fair: Open

APEX :Open

Around Crestwood PTA

Webmaster: Heather Danielson

Photographer: Open